Why You Should Play Neptunia X Senran Kagura Ninja Wars in 2024!

Описание к видео Why You Should Play Neptunia X Senran Kagura Ninja Wars in 2024!

Neptunia X Senran Kagura: Ninja Wars is the mashup you've always wanted but it's not what you think.

As the struggle for control increased between the Daimyos of the nations,
tensions rose between the two great nations, each of which was home to one of the major schools of martial arts.

The Compa Style which has mastered the Ninja Arts based on the Command Technique. The Honeypa Style which has mastered the Ninja Arts rooted in the Action Technique. The two camps were stuck in a ruthless competition of skill in order to achieve hegemony, but as they fought on, a mysterious army of mechanical ninjas made their assault.

The mechanical ninja army overran the smaller nations in an instant,
and its leader, Yoh Gamer, made an announcement to the world. The "Super NINJA War" to decide the world's strongest school is about to begin!


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