X-files // light carries on

Описание к видео X-files // light carries on

This is basically my effort to connect a lot of dots in the Xfiles concerning Mulder and Scullys relationship. The notion of fate and destiny vs free will or choice (touched on frequently in the Xfiles) and the idea that people come into our lives seemingly at random but maybe it's really not....maybe there are connections underneath that we seldom grasp-

but ultimately the xfiles on this issue, like so many others, was equivocal-
if everything happens for a reason, then why do things happen that seem so wrong...
if fate is certain, than how can we choose for ourselves...
hoped to show this back and forth that was part of the show- i love the ambiguity because at the end of the day, its them leaving room for you to think and decide for yourself- to not be spoon fed all the answers- part of what made xfiles so special at its best.

some day if we ever get beautiful multitrack audio BLURAY , I'd love to go back and fix some of the audio on the voiceovers because at this point, getting clean voiceovers from the Xfiles is next to impossible- there is music behind EVERYTHING!! did the best i could with it.



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