Our Ewes Are Shorn and Despite the Cost Its Worth It!

Описание к видео Our Ewes Are Shorn and Despite the Cost Its Worth It!

The Mixed aged ewes, early ewes and potential replacement ewe lambs are shorn, it took a bit of organising to make sure I had dry sheep.

We managed to get them all shorn with no days off.
It is now costing us $5.19 for any sheep to be shorn and there is no way that we will make that cost back from the wool when it is sold. It is a cost, but it is an expense that will pay off. The ewes were lighter than I would like them to be and this justifies shearing them, with the wool off they always "do" better. So I'm really glad we are still shearing our mixed aged ewes twice a year.

I hope you enjoy the video and see something new. Thanks for watching.


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