How to analyze data from questionnaires using SPSS? Practical application using Google form output.

Описание к видео How to analyze data from questionnaires using SPSS? Practical application using Google form output.

You have created an online questionnaire using Google form or survey monkey.
You collected data from a large number of respondents.

What's next?

How would you manage the data to test your hypotheses and answer your research question?

In this video, you will learn how to:
manage and re-code data obtained from Google Form or Survey Monkey
import data from Microsoft Excel to SPSS
perform descriptive statistics analysis
plot graphs, tables, and cross-tabulation
add a fit line to a scatter plot in SPSS
do regression analysis
code dummy variables / qualitative variables like gender.
add dummy variables to the regression model and interpret the results

Link for the Excel dataset :

(Subtitles added)

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#SPSS #analysis #questionnaire
Français :

Dans cette vidéo, vous pouvez apprendre à analyser les données collectées en utilisant le logiciel SPSS et faire des régressions linéaires.

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