Leo Buron - Power-Efficient Spike Sorting for Brain Computer Interfaces - IDDS 2023

Описание к видео Leo Buron - Power-Efficient Spike Sorting for Brain Computer Interfaces - IDDS 2023

Leo Buron presents:

Power-Efficient Spike Sorting for Brain-Computer Interfaces / Online Learning for Embedded Hardware Accelerators

In most biomedical applications, fine-tuning for each patient is necessary. In addition, adaptation through runtime is needed for some applications. Therefore, this research presents an approach for runtime adaptation for next-generation BCIs. Thus, the SOTA of spike sorting is presented, and adaptation mechanisms are explained.
On July 31-August 2, 2023, CSE organized the First Armenian-German Research Summit (IDDS 2023) along with the University of Duisburg-Essen and the Foundation for Armenian Science and Technology (FAST).



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