ROMtrospective: ROM Spaceknight #41-75, Part 2 - Atop the Fourth Wall

Описание к видео ROMtrospective: ROM Spaceknight #41-75, Part 2 - Atop the Fourth Wall

Welcome to Atop the Fourth Wall, where bad comics burn. In this episode, Linkara completes his retrospective on the greatest of the Spaceknights!

Originally uploaded February 23rd, 2015.

ORIGINAL INFO: Will ROM regain his humanity?! Will the other heroes of earth actually DO something about the Dire Wraiths?! Will all our problems be solved by an all-powerful being in a disco suit?!

RUMINATIONS: The ROMtrospective is ideally how I'd like to handle these kind of retrospectives, although sadly that's just not practical. While people really enjoyed Blue-Skying recently, it was a crapton of work. Not to say this wasn't, as well, but it's a lot more fun just going over a single long series rather than trying to cover EVERY appearance by a character, especially when that could be hundreds of comics (and it can get repetitive at times). It's also easier to review 40 comics like this simply because, as something that's put out weekly, I only have so much time to work on it, but a longer retrospective could take up so much effort and work but yield very few returns.


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