Mag-ingat sa buyer na ito! Damay ka!
Know the Kind of Buyers posing as legitimate buyers but actually pseudo buyers engaged in Money Laundering or washing of dirty money.

Nowadays, unscrupulous buyers who are into illegal and criminal activities are targeting the REAL ESTATE INDUSTRY by buying real properties in order to launder or laundry their dirty money.

Money laundering is a CRIMINAL OFFENSE, whether you are the launderer or actively participates In the laundering by allowing your property be bought by a money launderer.

The world is serious in stopping money laundering and almost all countries have their own Anti Money Laundering Law and inter-country cooperation on this illegal activity is operating.

In this video, I will discuss in layman's terms and in abstract, what is Money Laundering, the Anti-Money Laundering Act of 2001 or AMLA and the implementing agency, the Anti Money Laundering Council. I have also presented helpful tips for sellers to avoid involvement of the laundering activity of criminals, although not air tight to prevent it, but at least a guide to somehow protect themselves.

Again, my purpose in creating video lectures is to share my legal knowledge in Real Estate matters and to help and solve some intricacies in the real estate transactions. I have no purpose in promoting my practices as a Lawyer and Real Estate Broker nor I am trying to solicit clients.
My passion is to teach and share my knowledge without any expectation of any reward or fee.

The lecture series are focused on real estate matters that would include different laws or provisions of law such as:

1. Law on Property
2. Family Code
3. Succession
4. Corporation Law
5. Rules of Court
6. Law on Sales. lease and mortgages
7. Special laws

Since the lectures are for academic purposes, I would be thankful to receive any comments that would further enlighten and present new ideas or solutions.

Thank you !



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