Dear Theodosia - Hamilton | Ukulele Play-Along

Описание к видео Dear Theodosia - Hamilton | Ukulele Play-Along

Here's an ukulele play-along for Dear Theodosia from Hamilton. For a free interactive chord chart, click here: If you want to play in the original key, you can click Transpose 0.

For an ukulele tutorial video, click here:    • Dear Theodosia - Hamilton | Ukulele T...  

Here's the strum patterns I use. Also, let me know in the comments if you'd like to see a tutorial for this song.
Numbers 1-4 correspond to different strings 1 - G, 2 - C, 3 - E, 4 - A.

1. Burr's verse
1-(234) 1-(234)
Alternate picking the bass note with your thumb + picking all other notes.

2. Hamilton's verse
1-2-3-4 3-2-3

3. Rest of the song


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