20130605 锵锵三人行 中国人热衷收藏的几种可能性

Описание к видео 20130605 锵锵三人行 中国人热衷收藏的几种可能性

名人信札,首先是指名人书信;除了书信,还包括手稿和文辞,即便条、题签、随笔、抄录等。近10年来,在大的艺术品拍卖市场忽高忽低态势下,名人信札的价格却一路飙升。名人手札市场为何如此火爆?造成这一现象的根本原因是什么?如何理性地对待名人手札收藏?业界普遍认为,在收藏市场持续黯淡的形势下,名人书札类依然保持坚挺,这说明了市场对兼具历史价值和艺术价值的书札价值有了更充分的认识,书札的自身价值正在回归。Celebrity Letters, the first refers to the celebrity letters; addition to the letters, also includes manuscripts and diction, even if the bar that sign, essays, copying, etc. The past 10 years, in a large art auction market fluctuated trend, celebrity Letters prices are soaring. Letters to why the market is so hot? The fundamental cause of this phenomenon is what is the reason? How to deal rationally Letters to Favorites? The industry generally believes that the collection market continued bleak situation, celebrity Shuzha class remains strong, indicating that the market for both historical and artistic value of Shuzha value have a more full understanding of their own values ​​Letters are returning.


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