Yoga for relationship breakdown. yoga 4 breakups, yoga for relationship endings, broken hearts yoga

Описание к видео Yoga for relationship breakdown. yoga 4 breakups, yoga for relationship endings, broken hearts yoga

A relationship breakdown can be a profoundly challenging experience, often marked by emotional turmoil and a sense of loss. Whether it's a romantic partnership, a friendship, or a familial bond, the dissolution of any close relationship can leave individuals feeling hurt, confused, and isolated.

Yoga can be a powerful tool for navigating the emotional turmoil of a relationship breakdown. Through its combination of physical postures, breath control, and mindfulness, yoga offers a holistic approach to healing. Practicing yoga helps release pent-up emotions and tension stored in the body, fostering a sense of inner peace and clarity.

Here is a short video to help you manage the difficulties of a relationship ending. Do you need to reset and heal? Then this video is for you.

When we move our body, we help ourselves to rebalance emotionally. This is no fluke. Our nervous system truly starts to recalibrate, as we start to stimulate the parasympathetic pathway.

The nervous sick feeling, the difficulty sleeping, the constant thoughts that won't go away, that we get when we go through heartbreak, is a symptom of the sympathetic pathway activated ( fight flight response) as we go through, uncertainty and changes.

It's important to acknowledge and process these emotions, seeking support from trusted friends, family, or professional counsellors. Moving forward, it's essential to focus on self-care and personal growth, allowing time to heal and rediscover one's identity and passions outside the context of the previous relationship.

Practice this video as often as you can on your journey of recovery.

Start to implement self-care.

Eat healthy. Good nutrition is need for brain health and mood stability.

Get as much sleep as possible. This gives your brain and body a chance to rest.

Exercise. This provides some good chemicals for a feel good factor.

Limited alcohol to minimum. Alcohol is a depressant. Plus, you can end up sending texts etc when drunk that you could regret. And you do not want to be doing that! Or stalking on Facebook.

Connect and spend time with people that care about you. Connection to others that love you is a great source of security.

Always take medical advice before engaging in any yoga practice, also if you are pregnant. These videos are not designed for prenatal or postnatal yoga.
MindMat /Jan Slater take no responsibility for injury of any nature. You agree that you engage totally at your own risk and voluntarily, therefore assuming all risk yourself.


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