心经《般若波罗蜜多心经》一小时版本 THE HEART SUTRA 60 MIN NON-STOP

Описание к видео 心经《般若波罗蜜多心经》一小时版本 THE HEART SUTRA 60 MIN NON-STOP
















The Story of the Heart Sutra

The Heart Sutra, with its main speaker Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva (Guanyin Bodhisattva), explains the concept of "emptiness" to Sariputra, one of the Buddha's disciples. The core idea of the Heart Sutra is "emptiness," meaning that all phenomena are devoid of intrinsic nature, not arising, not ceasing, not tainted, and not pure. This "emptiness" does not imply that nothing exists, but rather that everything is interdependent and lacks an independent, permanent self-nature.

*The Story of Tang Dynasty Monk Xuanzang and the Heart Sutra*

During the Tang Dynasty, the monk Xuanzang faced numerous difficulties on his journey to India to obtain Buddhist scriptures. It is said that while crossing the desert, he encountered extremely harsh conditions, making it almost impossible to continue. At that moment, he recited the Heart Sutra, which invoked a sense of fearlessness within him. This inner strength enabled him to overcome the obstacles, continue his journey, and ultimately reach India to collect the scriptures. This experience made the Heart Sutra widely known in Chinese Buddhism and is believed to have powerful blessings that help practitioners overcome various challenges.

The Heart Sutra, due to its concise yet profound nature, has become one of the essential scriptures for daily recitation by Buddhists. It is also an important introductory scripture for those beginning to explore Buddhist philosophy.

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