HKAES TechTalk by Prof. Xiang-dong Li

Описание к видео HKAES TechTalk by Prof. Xiang-dong Li

HKAES TechTalk – How clean is the air we breathe in urban areas?

Speaker: Professor Xiang-dong Li, Dean of Faculty of Construction and Environment; Director of Research Institute for Sustainable Urban Development; Chair Professor of Environmental Science and Technology, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Moderator: Professor Dennis Y.C. Leung, Department of Mechanical Engineering, The University of Hong Kong

Air pollution continues to cause significant environmental health risks, leading to numerous premature deaths worldwide each year. To protect public health, many governments have implemented regulatory policies on mass concentration of major air pollutants, referencing the guideline values recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO). However, new scientific evidence suggests various components in the air have different health effects. This talk will share research findings on the key toxic components of urban air from both chemical and biological aspects and their associated emission sources responsible for health effects.

About the Speaker:
Prof. Li’s major research interests include regional environmental pollution, urban environment, and sustainable technology. His research team has been engaged in the study of metal, organic and other emerging pollutants in atmospheric particles, soils, sediments, and biological samples, including their impacts on human health and ecological systems. He has been the principal investigator of many research projects funded by RGC and NSFC schemes. Prof. Li received the Clair C. Patterson Award from the Geochemical Society in 2022. He is the Deputy Editor of ACS Environmental Au, and an associate editor of Environmental Science & Technology (ES&T).

About the Organizers:
The Hong Kong Academy of Engineering Sciences (HKAES):
The University of Hong Kong (HKU):

The event is supported by Innovation and Technology Commission.

#HKAES #TechTalks #HKU


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