Fire Engineering Design for World's Tallest Timber Tower: Mjøstårnet, Bergen (Webinar)

Описание к видео Fire Engineering Design for World's Tallest Timber Tower: Mjøstårnet, Bergen (Webinar)

A visionary developer asked the designers and suppliers of the successful 14-storey “Treet” tower completed in 2015 in Bergen to take a step further, using a timber façade and adding an hotel and offices to residential tenancies.

At 85.4 meters, Mjøstårnet is currently the world’s tallest full-timber building. And, most importantly, it is an amazing mix of technical excellence and dedicated craftmanship, where Norwegian skills for sustainable and safe innovation find a perfect equilibrium.

Glulam is the main structural component, complemented by other engineered wood products to optimise a full-timber design that will withstand the test of time in the highly-variable Scandinavian weather.

Learn from the Rune Abrahamsen, CEO of Moelven Limtre (who was also the structural engineer of the Treet) and Leif Tore Isakson, Sweco’s fire engineer for both these projects how they addressed the many issues and collaborated to deliver a developer’s dream, without exceeding his budget and timeframe.


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