After a lot of trial and error, I found this way is the quickest way to breed the fairy horse.
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Java Edition, Mo' Creatures 1.10.2.
This is the full creative mode method:
1. Using 'Horse' spawn egg, spawn a black and blood bay (middle brown) vanilla horse. Coat patterns don't matter, as long as the under coat is either black or blood bay.
2. Using 'Wild Horse' spawn egg, spawn tier 2 Grullo horse (grey with white patches). Tame the Mo' creature horse using an apple; name of the horse doesn't matter.
3. Breed Grullo and blood bay horse, by feeding the Grullo a pumpkin. Keep them within 4 blocks of each other, and 8 blocks away from the next horse during this process.
4. In about 5 minutes, a Red Cow (Bay Tovero) foal should spawn; if a different horse spawns, repeat step 3. Do not feed wheat or bread to increase growth as this breaks the horse; they cannot be ridden and will not breed.
5. When the Red Cow is fully grown, breed it with the black vanilla horse by feeding the Red Cow a pumpkin, keeping them close together and away from other horses.
6. Again, in about 5 minutes, a Cow Horse (Black Tovero) foal should spawn; if not, repeat step 5.
7. Use the 'Wild Horse' Spawn egg to spawn a zebra, then whilst riding the fully-grown Cow Horse, feed the zebra an apple to tame it.
8. Breed the Zebra with any Mo' Horse to get the Zorse, this time feeding both parents pumpkins. Breed them twice to get a total of 2 Zorses.
9. Choose one Zorse and feed it an essence of fire. Once it has turning into the Nightmare, feed it an essence of light to turn it into a Unicorn.
10. Take the second Zorse and feed it an essence of darkness. Once it has turned into a Bathorse, fly it to above cloud level (or around Y=133) and feed it an essence of light to turn it into a Pegasus.
11. If steps 9 and 10 are done quickly, when brought back together and kept away from other horses, the Pegasus and Unicorn will begin breeding. If hearts do not appear, simply feed Peg and Uni an essence of light each.
12. Allow 10 minutes for baby fairy to spawn; note the Pegasus and Unicorn will vanish.
You can give a fairy horse any of these dyes, however a fairy horse can only be dyed once:
Yellow, Orange, Red, Pink, Purple, Black (ink), Lime green, Cactus Green, Cyan, Light blue, Dark blue (Lapis Lazuli).
The other 34 minutes seems a bit long and winded, so I did my best to keep it short ;)
Everything I know, I learnt from here:
Technic Launcher modpack:
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