La Ritirata - Hymn of the Italian Regia Marina / Hino da Regia Marina Italiana

Описание к видео La Ritirata - Hymn of the Italian Regia Marina / Hino da Regia Marina Italiana

The Italian Regia Marina was the strongest Axis naval force in Europe and was one of the most modern in the world when the war started. It fielded a strong cruiser and destroyer force, made to hunt down the French navy. Its battleship force had the first battleships made after the Washington Naval Treaty, the Vittorio Veneto/Littorio Class. Unfortunately for the Regia Marina, it's ships were made specifically to counter and destroy the French Navy, but due to the Fall of France, it had to fight considerably stronger Royal Navy, which it did with some success at first, but ultimately lacked the resources to do so. After the 1943 armistice, the Fleet was to be surrendered to the Allies, but while the ships were moving towards North Africa to surrender, a German Bomber squadron, armed with Fritz X bombs, hit and sank the Roma, marking the start of the age of the missiles.


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