Iaido SeizanoBu 01 Mae Iwata Norikazu Sensei (Translation in description) 居合道 正座の部 一本目 前 岩田憲一

Описание к видео Iaido SeizanoBu 01 Mae Iwata Norikazu Sensei (Translation in description) 居合道 正座の部 一本目 前 岩田憲一

Seiza No Bu Ipponme (01) Mae (Front) 正座の部 一本目 前
Iwata Norikazu 岩田憲一
Muso Jikiden Eishin Ryu Iaido 無双直伝英信流 居合道

Mae - The first kata of Seiza no Bu, involves dealing with an opponent at a distance where they could cut you if they take a step forward. You must quickly draw your sword in a horizontal motion (yokoichimonji). After the opponent falls, you follow up with a downward cut (shomen) from the jodan (high) position. After sheathing your sword and standing up, you must return your gaze to the front and return to your starting position. In this technique, it's important to move forward boldly when attacking, fully extending your hands as you cut. You must not only focus on form but also cut with the determination to strike the opponent without letting them escape.

Start the draw slowly while observing the opponent's situation. You must aim for accurate and large movements. At the beginning of the draw, do not exert force with your right hand. Only apply force at the moment of separation from the scabbard and draw the sword quickly. When attacking, bring your knees together, concentrate power in your abdomen, and maintain the feeling of moving forward. At the beginning of the draw, aim from your center towards the opponent's center, making sure your thumb points straight towards the opponent.

From the drawn position, bend your fists, swing the sword over your head, and then cut down with both hands. It's important to lightly bend your right hand while your left hand quickly joins in support. Maintain the intent to cut down the opponent. When preparing to sheath the sword, do not grip it tightly; lightly hold it. Finally, grip tightly to stop the movement. When swinging the sword downwards, ensure the blade's line does not waver. After cutting down and before sheathing the sword, focus on your eyes. You must always sense the danger of the opponent counterattacking. When standing up in the chiburi stance and moving your right foot back, continue to be cautious of the opponent. When sheathing the sword, keep your left elbow close to your body and sheath the sword slowly and carefully.


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