AKP-Wyndham Karen Cultural Youth Team (Team B)

Описание к видео AKP-Wyndham Karen Cultural Youth Team (Team B)

We have finally successfully organised and celebrated 2759 - 2020 Karen New Year in Australia, Melbourne West, Wyndham Area. It has successfully & wonderfully finished from strong an individual or Org's support from your big hearts and kindness contribution. We actually expected only 700 people will attend the event with the small funding that we have, however, we have seen that there were nearly two thousand people attended for our two days and one night event. So that we are proud and humbly would like to acknowledge to each of our coordinating team, such as House keeping team, Traffic control management team, Volunteer Team, Security Team, Hospitality Team, Side Plan Team, Facilities Team, Music and Media Team, Recreation Team, Finance Team, Program Coordinating Team and Event manger. Besides, our Park Victoria, VKCNG Teams, Westage Church Music Band,WKBC Music Band, Five beautiful Well known artists from Karen State Burma


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