Cheryl Nolte - The Best Apps and Resources for Healthy Hearing

Описание к видео Cheryl Nolte - The Best Apps and Resources for Healthy Hearing

Cheryl Nolte is a lip-reading instructor with a demonstrated history of working in the health wellness area. She has worked in event management, team building, public speaking, and fundraising. She is currently active with five different charitable organizations while also offering online hearing coaching. In addition to these roles, she takes time to advocate for and consult people regarding hearing aids.

Here’s a glimpse of what you’ll learn:

• Cheryl Nolte’s early experiences with hearing technology
• Hearing protection apps and how they work
• Unexpected and common places with loud sound
• Some of the best listening apps
• Different resources that help train lip-readers
• Are hearing enhancement apps worth exploring?
• The world of hearing simulation apps
• Finding the right apps that work for you

In this episode…

In recent years, there have come to be an overwhelming amount of available resources for those with hearing loss. The modern advancements in technology and software make it easier than ever to create apps. While this is ultimately a great thing, it does mean it takes more time and knowledge to find the most valuable apps.

Cheryl Nolte has taken on much of that hard work as a hearing loss coach. Out of the plentiful options, she has found and tested many that provide genuine results. There is a vast variety of resources for different needs, so there is certain to be an app to fit your needs.

In this episode of the ListenUp! Podcast, Dr. Mark Syms invites Cheryl Nolte back on to give advice and recommendations on hearing apps. They go through each category and give thoughts on which apps are worth considering. They also touch on different use cases, how to find what works for you, and how they work with other hearing technology.

Sponsor for this episode...

This episode is brought to you by the Arizona Hearing Center.

The Arizona Hearing Center is a cutting-edge hearing care facility providing comprehensive, family-focused care. Approximately 36 million Americans suffer from some sort of hearing loss, more than half of whom are younger than the age of 65. That’s why the team at the Arizona Hearing Center is focused on providing the highest-quality care using innovative technologies and inclusive treatment plans.

As the Founder of the Arizona Hearing Center, Dr. Mark Syms is passionate about helping patients effectively treat their hearing loss so that they can stay connected with their family and friends and remain independent. He knows first-hand how hearing loss can impact social connection and effective communication. By relying on three core values—empathy, education, and excellence—Dr. Syms and his team of hearing loss experts are transforming the lives of patients.

So what are you waiting for? Stop missing out on the conversation and start improving your quality of life today!

To learn more about the Arizona Hearing Center, visit or call us at 602-307-9919. We don’t sell hearing aids—we treat your hearing loss.


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