Filter Visuals VS PIN Visuals: How to use | Drill Down PRO visuals for Power BI

Описание к видео Filter Visuals VS PIN Visuals: How to use | Drill Down PRO visuals for Power BI

Each of ZoomCharts Drill Down Visuals for Power BI is now available in two versions - Filter and Pin, and this video explains the differences so you can choose the version that's best suited to your needs. Even though both versions provide the same user-friendly interactions, powerful data visualization features, and peerless customization options, the PIN versions of our visuals are optimized for use with Power BI Service dashboards with the introduction of Pin-to-Dashboard support and changes in cross-filtering behavior. For most report creators, we recommend using the Filter version to enjoy the best navigation experience in Power BI reports.
0:17 Pin to Dashboard (only in Pin)
1:14 Cross-filtering behavior with default visuals
2:13 Cross-filtering behavior across ZoomCharts visuals
3:18 Summary

Get ZoomCharts:

Drill Down Visuals are Power BI custom visuals by ZoomCharts that are designed to provide a smooth and intuitive user experience that allows anyone to explore data beyond just the results. With easy-to-use drill down interactions and seamless cross-chart filtering, users can quickly uncover detailed insights and analyze the data from multiple dimensions.
Get Drill Down Visuals (Combo PRO, Combo Bar PRO, Pie PRO, Donut PRO, Waterfall PRO, TimeSeries PRO, Timeline PRO, Map PRO, Network PRO, Graph PRO, Scatter PRO) and start building Pro Reports!


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