Jean Donaldson gets conditioned emotional response while fitting Gentle Leader

Описание к видео Jean Donaldson gets conditioned emotional response while fitting Gentle Leader

World-renowned author and trainer, Jean Donaldson, demonstrates how to use targeting and desensitization to condition her dog, Buffy, to enjoy wearing her Gentle Leader™ head collar.

A few quick sessions help Buffy choose to wear the Gentle Leader ™ and even look forward to it. The Gentle Leader then becomes the predictor of other good things, including walks and going on outings.

The pay-off for gradual desensitization is that the dog enjoys wearing her Gentle Leader™.

The amount of time that it took to desensitize Buffy to wearing her Gentle Leader ™, which will last her entire lifetime, was less than it took to brush her out that morning.


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