Fish Oil For Dogs: Good Or Bad?

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Phospholipids in green lipped mussels:
Krill fishing:

Is fish oil good for dogs? Well, of course it is! It's rich in the anti-inflammatory omega-3 fat EPA and it's rich in DHA, which is a fat that helps with brain, nerve and eye health. But if you want to do what's best for you dog - and hopefully the oceans too - then I want to talk about the top 5 reasons you don't want to use fish oil … and how you can replace it.

OK so let's talk about the reasons not to give your dog fish oil. And first, it's just not sustainable. It's estimated that the oceans will be unusable by 2048 unless we stop fishing now. 29% of the seafood species we consume have already collapsed and, if this continues, there won't be any fish left to sustainably harvest. It's important to remember that fish are a finite resource and there's just no such thing as sustainable fishing. It's just irresponsible to pull fish, krill and calamari from the oceans and it's certainly not sustainable. Second, the oceans are pretty polluted. Fish today are contaminated with heavy metals like lead, mercury and arsenic, along with dioxins and PCB. If you just have to use fish oil, then at least make sure the company you buy from has a certificate of analysis or COA showing the product has been tested low in these toxins. And choose fish that come from cleaner waters like New Zealand or the arctic. Now if you give your dog a marine oil, leave a comment below because I'm interested to know what you're using.

The third issue with fish oil is that it can have unwanted side effects for your dog. Fish oil only contains mostly EPA. Now, you have to be careful with EPA because it's a blood thinner and can cause bleeding disorders and gut issues if you give too much.

And the fourth issue with fish oil is, again, that it only contains a small range of fats. EPA isn't the only anti-inflammatory fat you can give your dog - there are other omega fats like EPA and GLA that don't just lower inflammation, but build healthy skin too - and they're completely missing from fish oil.

And the final strike against fish oil is that it's low in phospholipids. Now, phospholipids are a type of fat that build health cell membranes and help with the absorption of omega-3 fats by forming a ring around them that helps distribute them through the body. On average, fish oil contains only 1 - 1.5% phospholipid. In comparison, krill contains 40%. Now, that makes krill oil a better choice for your dog - but it's certainly not the right choice for the ocean. Krill are tiny crustaceans that are taken from Antarctica oceans to feed farmed fish. We harvest over 250 million tons of krill every year, robbing whales of their food supply. Krill is nowhere as sustainable as you've been led to believe - in fact, Whole Foods banned krill oil because of sustainability concerns way back in 2012.

OK so I'm not saying this to depress you … but I hope it's enough to change your views on fish oil. And if it's not, then what I'm going to share next will - because there's a better and more sustainable options to fish, krill and squid oil. And that's green lipped mussels. Here's how GLM are different:

First, they can be sustainable grown. GLM are grown on ropes in the clean waters of New Zealand and they eat the phytoplankton in the water. And this is a good thing, because there's a hole in the ozone layer over New Zealand and mussel farming helps prevent algae blooms. Second, GLM don't just contain ETA so there's less worry about bleeding disorders - GLM are unique because they're rich in another anti-inflammatory fat called ETA. Your dog can use ETA for healthy skin or he can easily convert it to EPA - but only if he needs it, so there's less concern about bleeding. And finally, GLM contains 57 - 79% phospholipids, which is a lot more than krill oil and way more than fish oil. GLM oil is sustainable, it's grown in clean waters, it helps prevent algae blooms - and it's actually a better choice for your dog. This is important - you can help protect the oceans from over-fishing and give your dog a better source of omega-3 fats at the same time. It's a win-win for all the beings that share this earth. Now if you have any questions or comments on fish or omega oils, just leave a comment below. And if you like this video, please make sure you like it, share it, and tell people about it.

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