Japanese Personality Test: A Desert Journey

Описание к видео Japanese Personality Test: A Desert Journey

Our desert journey will bring us face to face with the infinite.
Take a moment to prepare yourself, and enter the eternal desert...

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Waiting can be a special form of torture, worse than any temporary pain. The combination of frustration and boredom can send even the bravest heart into a state of panic. Take a journey of self-discovery.

Find out who you really are in this free personality test quiz what you do in an endless desert can say a lot about your personality and relationship with others,

This test will tell you everything about your personality, it will give you an insight into what your personality type is.

Japanese psychological tests are famous for their accuracy and simple structure. They can tell you a lot about someone. Conversely, They can tell you a lot about yourself. This test will reveal how you actually feel about yourself. Also known as Kokology tests (the cube personality test)

The way a person reacts to the desert journey can tell you more about your personality than any other tricky test.

They can seek out and see the actual dominant features about yourself by understanding what your eyes desire, This test will tell you everything about your personality and reveal your real personality.

The way these tests work is to glance at the at the following question. Don’t take long and don’t overthink it, just take a quick look and pick one.

You are riding a camel across the vast and empty expanse of a seemingly endless desert.
You have ridden until you are near exhaustion. What words would you say to the camel the has carried you all the way?

The answers given to the questions have been shown to shed a little insight into your personality. Now, let’s discern based on psychology what your choice may reveal about your personality.

Did the interpretation ring true to you? How accurate were your results?

Did the results match your personality? Join in the discussion below.

★The Video is best viewed in HD★
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➥ Hax - Joy

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