The Dedication Ceremony of Guan Yin Shan Yilan Samantabhadra Buddhist Association

Описание к видео The Dedication Ceremony of Guan Yin Shan Yilan Samantabhadra Buddhist Association

Samantabhadra Bodhisattva compassionately reaches the earthly world to deliver people from difficulties.

Located in the broad Yilan Plain of Northeastern Taiwan, a valuable Buddhist temple, which inherits both exoteric and esoteric Dharma, was established in all its glory.

Guan Yin Shan Yilan Samantabhadra Buddhist Association is established due to a splendid cause. A follower from Yilan who met and practiced the teachings of Holy Lung Du Yung Jing Rinpoche remedied her chronic disease.

The fact that Guan Yin Shan has already been doing lots of good deeds to benefit people probably, in return, creates the cause that enables us to do something in Yilanto benefit others as well as ourselves.

These years, we did not have a physical temple in Yilan, but via the Internet,Guan Yin Shan has already gathered many friends and has led people here to learn Buddha’s teaching,to practice Dharma, and to do a variety of good deeds such as promoting healthy vegetarian diets, protecting wildlife and environment, taking care of senior ones and dispatching wholesome books.

In 2019, the opportunity was ripened and people in Yilan was eagerlylooking forward to inviting compassionate Holy Lung Du Lung Jing Rinpoche to Yilan and gave a spiritual lecture, Leading to a Happy Life With Five Blessings.More than Thousands of people attended the lecture, which clearly shows their strong desire for Dharma in Yilan.

These years, we have passed the sufferings of the severe pandemic and eventually bring forth Guan Yin Shan Yilan Samantabhadra Buddhist Association,where we first introduce both exoteric teachings and esoteric teachings. We will plant the admirable practice lineage of Buddhism in Yilan. Thus, people in Yilan are able to access the correct faith of Buddhism and change their destiny.

The dedication ceremony in Guan Yin Shan Yilan Samantabhadra Buddhist Association marks an important milestone in the history of Buddhism in Yilan.We appreciate having so many prominent officials and people came over to this glorious dedication ceremony. They are: Mr. Wang Jin-ping, former chair of the Legislative Yuan, Miss Lin Tzu-miao, County head of Yilan, Miss Wu Chiu-ling, Township head of Lotung, the president of a famous company, the senior actor and Miss Lin Jing-fen, the anchor of Formosa TV and many other honorable guests. In the ceremony, Mr. Wang Jin-ping has delivered a lecture, giving his explicit interpretationon the Ten Wishes of Samantabhadra, in which he praises the establishment of Guan Yin Shan Yilan Samantabhadra Buddhist Association satisfies all the wishes of Samantabhadra.

Besides, he mentions that it will bring countless profits to every living being all aroundthis area in the near future.

We fully wish people in Yilan continuously immerse in the incantation of all the inherited Gurus and Samantabhadra in such a way that virtuous goodness and compassion will prevail all over Yilan area.

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