Hijacked Jet Plane Leads to Police Brawl with Reporters | ABC13 Archives

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On July 12 1972, two men hijacked a National Airlines 727 jet on its way to New York from Philadelphia.

The plane returned to Philadelphia and the passengers were released.

Eight people remained on board including the hijackers, Michael Stanley Green and Lulseged Tesfa. The hijackers demanded $600,000 in ransom and wanted to be flown to Jamaica.

On their way to Jamaica the plane started running low on fuel and the pilot decided to make an emergency landing at an airstrip owned by Dow Chemical in Lake Jackson.

Eventually the hijackers surrendered and all hostages were released.

As a side story to the hijacking, reporters and photographers got into a fight with police at the airstrip. A KTRK photographer and reporter Jessica Savitch with KHOU got into a physical altercation with police trying to keep the media away from the scene.

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