Artisan Mouse Pad SOFT vs xSOFT vs MID (Artisan Hien, FX Zero, and OTSU Hayate REVIEW)

Описание к видео Artisan Mouse Pad SOFT vs xSOFT vs MID (Artisan Hien, FX Zero, and OTSU Hayate REVIEW)

Artisan Mouse Pad SOFT vs xSOFT vs MID (Artisan Hien, FX Zero, and OTSU Hayate)

Unscripted, thoughts, and full analysis...I pray people find this video helpful!

Time stamps

00:00 Introduction (Recorded no script)
01:36 Discuss Artisan FX Zero Mouse Pads Softness Comparison
01:55 FX Zero Mid Analysis
02:04 FX Zero SOFT vs MID
02:23 FX Zero xSOFT Analysis
02:53 FX Zero MID Comparison
04:11 FX Zero xSOFT Comparison
05:20 FX ZERO xSOFT upside down comparison
05:50 FX Zero SOFT thoughts
06:56 FX Zero Texture Comparison thoughts
07:36 Breakdown Q&A
08:22 SOFT vs xSOFT vs MID
08:54 Thoughts comparing through various mice feet
09:39 OTSU Hayate Thoughts
11:47 OTSU Hayate Breakdown
12:26 Artisan HIEN MID
12:58 Artisan HIEN MID Speed
13:54 Artisan HIEN MID Durability
15:43 Pros & Cons plus Wrap Up Full Analysis

Welcome, my name is Dazs! I am rank #1 sniper on Battlefield 1, and a well-known sniper of the Battlefield franchise. I am the General Manager for SoaR Gaming, HR professional by day, content creator by night! I enjoy producing guides, montages, and content on Apex Legends & Battlefield. Hit me up with questions as I always love to help out best I can.

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