Boris Offlane | Final Days of Paragon: The Overprime

Описание к видео Boris Offlane | Final Days of Paragon: The Overprime

Boris quickly became my favorite tank simply because a warrior with armor buffs.

The biggest thing I learned to make him his best is to not focus on building armor and instead make health the focal point of your build. Two big items are Healing Nano Machines and Emergency Rescue Unit. Nanomachines is the obvious first pick but I never saw anyone use Emergency Rescue Unit. The only downside is that he's really vulnerable to anti-heal.

I hope you enjoy the video!

What is Paragon?

It is a MOBA (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena). In this MOBA, two teams of five players compete on a three-lane map to destroy the enemy's base called the core. Your goal is to win the game as a team, rather than get the most kills.


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