Trojan Bunny | Monica and Friends

Описание к видео Trojan Bunny | Monica and Friends

The Trojan Horse is a symbol of the war between the Greeks and the Trojans. The Greeks gifted a large wooden horse to the Trojans, who brought it inside their walled city. When night fell, Greek soldiers emerged from the horse, took over the city and won the war. Drawing inspiration from this incredible historical event, Jimmy Five comes up with a foolproof plan to snatch Monica's stuffed bunny. Now what? Will Jimmy Five's plan work, or will Smudge muck things up once again?


And straight from Lemon Tree Street… Monica and Friends, featuring: Monica - leader of the crew, ruler of the roost, small in stature but big in personality, a force to be reckoned with! And she just loves her stuffed bunny, Samson, whom she takes along wherever she goes; Jimmy Five - a smart kid and one of Monica’s best friends even though he relentlessly teases her; Smudge – the most resourceful member of the troupe, but who’s terrified of water; and Monica’s absolute best friend Maggy – sweet, charming, a total food lover and unabashed watermelon aficionado!


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