The New Words Added by the Lubavitcher Rebbe to the Jewish Vocabulary

Описание к видео The New Words Added by the Lubavitcher Rebbe to the Jewish Vocabulary

Mutual Responsibility; the Holiness of the Person; Every Crisis -- an Opportunity.
The Rebbe's Leadership and Teachings.

On Monday evening, 30 Sivan, 5780, June 22, 2020, Rabbi YY Jacobson presented a zoom lecture to the following communities: Chabad of Silver Spring, Rabbi Berel & Chaya Wolvovsky; Chabad of Northern Virginia, Rabbi Sholom & Chani Deitsch; Chabad of Olney, Rabbi Bentzy & Devora Stolik; Harford Chabad, Rabbi Kushi & Fraida Shusterman; Chabad of Upper Montgomery County, Rabbi Sholom & Chana Raichik; Chabad of Anne Arrundel County, Rabbi Nochum & Hindy Light; Chabad Student Center, University of Maryland, Rabbi Eli & Nechama Backman

The lecture, followed by Q and A, explored the legacy of the late Lubavitcher Rebbe (1902-1994), in tribute to his 26th yahrzeit, on 3 Tammuz.

Thumbnail Photo: A young YY Jacobson receiving honey cake from the Lubavitcher Rebbe on Erev Yom Kippur.

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