Despair from dizziness, blurry vision, headaches, neck pain, shoulder pain to relief in weeks PNMD!

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Ileana is a college professor from Miami, Florida. She had been suffering with chronic, unrelenting dizziness and blurry vision for over a year which prevented her being able to drive. Despite detailed tests such as CT scans of the brain, balance tests etc by two ENT specialists, consultations with neurologists, ophthalmologists and TMJ specialist there were no answers. Her jaw pain presented later on. Botox shots, physical therapy and oral splints only made her symptoms worse. She was feeling despair that nobody is going to be able to help her. They could figure out what was wrong with her, why she was experiencing these debilitating symptoms let alone correct the problems.

She travelled to Kansas City to see if Dr Raman can help her as she has seen others with complex problems have been able to get help.

His clinical examination confirmed that she had jaw alignment “TMJ” problems and that is the likely root cause of her many symptoms even beyond the jaw.

Ileana went through detailed diagnostic tests including our unique "Raman CCMD Protocol" of Physiologic Neuro Muscular Dental (PNMD) procedure to determine the optimal jaw and neck alignment. Balance tests revealed that her postural compensations were primarily due to the jaw alignment. So that linked her jaw problem to whole body symptoms such as fatigue.

All the findings and options for treatment were reviewed during the consultation prior to starting phase 1 treatment. She was informed of her narrow upper jaw which limits the function of the lower jaw. It is like a narrow shoe would not allow the foot to come all the way forward. She was then fitted with a physiologic neuromuscular fixed orthotic for 90 days as a reversible phase 1 treatment. This is both a therapeutic and diagnostic step. Even though phase 1 fixed orthotic is only on the lower teeth, like teeth extensions to make up for the jaw alignment discrepancy, there needs to enough of an improvement of symptoms to give the patient confidence to go forward with treatment or to give up and reverse course.

Ileana started noticing improvements almost immediately. Gradually she experienced more relief over the weeks. This is one of the important reasons that we use a PNM Fixed orthotic. It is correcting the jaw alignment truly 24/7, every second of the day. Of course, the key is how accurately the jaw / neck alignment was diagnosed first. That is the alignment that the fixed orthotic maintains.

Within 4 weeks of Phase 1 PNM Fixed orthotic, all of her symptoms were improving significantly. By the end of Phase 1 treatment she had significant resolution of all of her debilitating symptoms. She felt enough relief from dizziness and blurry vision, to drive which gave her freedom she had not had for over a year.
Reviewed her symptoms 1. Jaw pain -80% .2. Hand pain 100% resolved. 3. Neck and Shoulder pain 70% 4 Headache and dizziness 50%. 5. Blurry vision 70% 6. Pain behind the eyes 95%.

When she came for consultation, Ileana was so skeptical that she will have any relief because all the medical specialists could not identify the root cause of her varied symptoms let alone give any relief. While she had so much improvement, Ileana chose to have her fixed orthotic replaced by a removable anatomic CAD CAM orthotic. As such her narrow upper jaw remains narrow. This limits the freedom for the lower jaw and hence the tongue room. However, the relief that she has experienced in 90 days far exceeded her initial skeptical outlook. She is on her way to live a life with fewer limitations from symptoms.


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