The truth about Pentecostalism/ part 1

Описание к видео The truth about Pentecostalism/ part 1

I was raised in Pentecostalism most of my life. I didn't know the importance of expository preaching. But now I know it is essential for spiritual growth. If all we hear are sermons put together by preachers who want to feel good about themselves, and move a crowd with their talents, then we are in dire need of a spiritual awakening.
This is a Pentecostalism series that I believe every one should hear. My desire is not to hinder or hurt anyone who is in this movement. My intent is to share the truth of Pentecostal history and the teachings that have been handed down that are unbiblical. My prayer is that God would convict hearts and reveal to them the truth and give his people a greater desire to know him and a greater desire to know his word.

Note to viewers: Make sure you listen to the whole series before critiquing the video. Many of your answers are not in one video. Its wise to listen to the whole series. Thank you!


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