Muhammad Usman | Meaning Of Statistics, Meaning of the Word Statistics, In Urdu | Hindi | English

Описание к видео Muhammad Usman | Meaning Of Statistics, Meaning of the Word Statistics, In Urdu | Hindi | English

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In this video, we will discuss the meanings of the word Statistics. We know that the word Statistics used in three ways
I: Singular sense
ii: Plural sense
iii: Plural of word Statistic
Let us define these meanings in the easiest way

Define the word Statistics in a singular sense.
In a singular sense, the word Statistics refers to the collection, presentation, analysis and interpretation of data.

Define the word Statistics in plural sense.
In a plural sense, the word Statistics refers to the aggregate of facts.

Define the word Statistics in the plural of statistic sense.
In this sense, the word Statistics refers to the plural of word statistic. Where statistic is a numerical quantity that we compute from the sample.

#Meaning_Of_The_Word_Statistics_In_Urdu_Hindi_and_English #Statistics ,#Meaning_of_Statistics #Singular_Sense , #plural_sense #Plural_of_statistic


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