AWS New York Summit 2018 - AWS PrivateLink: Fundamentals (SRV211)

Описание к видео AWS New York Summit 2018 - AWS PrivateLink: Fundamentals (SRV211)

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Securely access services hosted on AWS using AWS PrivateLink. Come to this session and learn the fundamentals of AWS PrivateLink, including VPC design, VPC endpoint, Network Load Balancer, and more. Discover the benefits and use cases for connecting your VPC with AWS-based services over AWS PrivateLink, and hear about the technologies that are related to AWS PrivateLink, such as AWS Direct Connect, Amazon Route 53, and other AWS services. This mid-level architecture discussion is aimed at architects, network administrators, and technology decision makers interested in understanding how to connect their Amazon VPCs to SaaS services in a secure and scalable manner.


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