شرح معادلة السيستم كيرف وحساب فواقد الاحتكاك | pumps system curve calculation

Описание к видео شرح معادلة السيستم كيرف وحساب فواقد الاحتكاك | pumps system curve calculation

عشان نفهم معادلة السيستم كيرف ونفهم جت منين، كان لازم نتكلم الأول عن معادلة برنوللي، ونعرف علاقتها بمنحنى نظام المضخة، ونعرف مفهوم كل مصطلح في معادلة السيستم كيرف.

The system curve is a graph that shows the pressure or head required by the fluid system at different flow rates. It is determined by calculating the resistance to flow of all the components in the system, such as friction losses due to pipe diameter, length, and roughness; elevation changes; and fittings and valves. The system curve is fixed and does not change unless there is a change in the system's configuration or operating conditions.

To calculate the system curve, we need to know two values:

The Static Head
The Frictional Losses

how to calculate k coefficient - k factor - k losses - losses factor - losses coefficient - valve and pump k coefficient

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