One Chef One Critic E55 Guests: Mark Dobbin, Denise King, Dishes: trout in bacon, risotto, Eton mess

Описание к видео One Chef One Critic E55 Guests: Mark Dobbin, Denise King, Dishes: trout in bacon, risotto, Eton mess

In episode 55 One Chef One Critic welcomed guest, Mark Dobbin, for whom they cooked fresh steelhead trout wrapped in prosciutto. The restaurant featured was, The Rooms Café. Greg Winter made an appearance as the episode’s wine consultant. Karl and Steve wrapped up the episode by chatting with The Rooms Café chef, Denise King, who demonstrated how to make mushroom risotto and the classic, Eton Mess.
Background: In 2008 Karl Wells was asked to create a show for Rogers TV that he would co-produce and host. With the creative help of his Rogers TV co-producer, Krissy Holmes, they developed One Chef One Critic. Karl was the "critic" and Steve Watson was selected to be the "chef." It ran for 10 consecutive seasons and became one of Rogers TV's all-time popular shows. The show had three main goals: to feature an interesting community guest, to make an interesting meal, and to profile an interesting local restaurant or chef.


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