Navigating the New OV Code Signing Requirements

Описание к видео Navigating the New OV Code Signing Requirements

CA/B Forum has recently passed a ballot requiring all OV code signing certificate private keys for public trust to be stored in FIPS-compliant hardware by June 1st, 2023. After June 2023, code signing customers, including customers on CertCentral, will no longer be able to generate new keys in the browser or on a local repository. Any new keys must be stored on an HSM, HSM service, or hardware token that meets FIPS 140-2 level 2 or above standard.

Let DigiCert help you prepare for these upcoming changes. Join us at 11am ET on Tuesday,

September 27th for this educational webinar as we walk through all the different options available to our code signing customers.

The session will cover topics such as:
Reviewing CA/B Forum requirements and new changes
Options in Key Protection for small to large enterprises, including the pros and cons of each option
Selecting the right private key protection solution for your organization

DigiCert expert Dave Roche will be joined by Yarden Gaon from Thales. Thales Group is the leading provider of hardware-based root-of-trust security for certificates and machine identities.


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