Channel Islands Febs Fish Surfboard Review

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We're super stoked to bring you the Channel Islands Febs Fish, the new signature shape from Mikey February. Mikey and Britt Merrick sat down over a couple of cocktails and Mikey asked for a traditional Fish design but with something special under the bonnet (the hood if you're an American!) and the Feb's Fish was born!

It looks like a Fish, and indeed is a Fish but CI have played with the bottom contours, rocker line and the rail profile to produce a Fish that can be ridden at a higher performance level in better waves. All the speed of a twin Fish but with a load more control. Obviously you are going to see amazing videos of MF surfing it to it's limits but don't be put off, this is a board you can surf pretty much everyday.

If you like the feel of a Fish but worry it's too slow onto the rail in punchier waves you can banish those worries, this board does the lot. The board has been tested in a huge range of waves from barrels to open points to onshore mush and it works in all to varying degrees, as with all boards it's better in better waves!

As a premier Channel Islands stockist, we pride ourselves on giving what we think is good solid advice without any of the over-eager sales driven BS often encountered by our customers elsewhere.

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