China-Hungary increasing trade ties

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Chinese President Xi Jinping's recent visit to Hungary during his European tour from May 5 to 10 is expected to bring a slew of new opportunities for China-Hungary businesses and trade ties. With more access to the ever-expanding Chinese market, how do Hungarian entrepreneurs plan to carve out a profitable niche for themselves and reap the dividends of the "continuous, uninterrupted friendship," as Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán once described the bilateral relations? In this edition of The Hub, Wang Guan talks to Erno Peto, president of the Hungarian-Chinese Chamber of Economy; Tamás Benkócs, vice president of Ikarus, a Hungarian company that designs, develops and manufactures environmentally-friendly economical buses; and Götz Ildikó, owner of Götz Winery, to discuss how trade ties are increasingly benefiting both sides and deepening traditional friendship. Peto remarks that Hungary is central to China's presence in the EU. "China needs the EU just as the EU needs China," he says. Benkócs notes that China and Hungary share the same values and says he looks forward to more win-win cooperation between the two countries so that both sides can learn from each other.

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