港村 【ワンピース】 Minato Mura (One Piece) sight-read by Tom Brier

Описание к видео 港村 【ワンピース】 Minato Mura (One Piece) sight-read by Tom Brier

Tom makes up additional strains off the top of his head to turn this into a full-length rag. This (or rather, the first strain of this) rag is from the soundtrack of the popular anime "One Piece". I was sent a score for the strain by YouTuber "ashleykampta" who created the sheet music.

"Minato Mura" means "Village Harbor" in Japanese.

I'm not sure who composed the first strain. Ashley has it as Kouhei Tanaka (田中公平) but when I look up the One Piece soundtrack albums, I see this tune credited to Shirou Hamaguchi (浜口史郎).

Of course, the rest of it is just Tom insta-composing.


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