BDO Darkseeker Retreat, Awakening Nova 312AP, 20005 yellow agris (3 events)

Описание к видео BDO Darkseeker Retreat, Awakening Nova 312AP, 20005 yellow agris (3 events)

Agris was used. No coin was used. 28.5min were grinded with a heidel crit dmg buff. Total trash loot gained during that time was 9455 (19905/h) with only 1 event happening. I predict that the crit buff increased the trash loot gained in that hour by ~150.

A simple dps check. Everytime you aggro the pack the mournful darkseeker will start taking out his weapon and then use an attack. It's either a quick downward swing, a side swing, or a flame throw. Standing close to mournful darkseeker prevents him from turning, if you stand a bit further he will turn before beginning the attack's animation, you preferably want to avoid that. The quick swing attack should be punished by dashing on his back, the other 2 attacks are long enough for the darkseeker to die before he's able to channel them fully.
Every mob has a chance of spawning an eternal darkseeker, once you kill him the event begins and you're rewarded with 10 waves of 10 mobs each. Waves spawn if at most 2 enemies from the previous wave are alive. Killing an eternal darkseeker also awards you with a 3min green buff that allows you to 1-2shot all the waves' mobs. It's worth noting that all the waves' mobs are unaffected by agris and drop less trash than regular mobs.
There's also a chance of spawning golden orb thing that drops 1 ember and periodically stuns enemies in a large area. Sometimes the stunned enemies seem to ignore collisions so beware of that when using F SQ WF or WQ.

So the combo is mostly the same every time:
then depending on the mobs pattern you go on their back with F WF, or do LMB flow into F WF then continue with SLMB WQ, if they're not available you buy time with Q or frozen ring (non accel) or accel SF. When accel runs out you start with WRMB, go through your whole non accel kit until you're 100%, press WQ and keep going from there with whatever needs to be used, with a priority on SLMB and SHIFTQ. If BSR is inactive it's worth using accel SF as either a finisher on a pack or as a preparation for the next pack.
Addons I have crafted have a disadvantage where any combo starting with WQ won't have a -dp addon active until you're 4 skills deep. If the kill time goes below 8s a lot then I'd recommend changing them up slightly to include that addon on WQ.
I think the most important thing in the spot is maximizing the time when mob gets aggroed. Using the combo above you dump all the highest dps nova's kit has while the mob is still turned back, that's usually enough to take down 60-80% of their hp, the rest is just finishing off the small mobs and making sure you're on the back of the big mob.
When it comes to waves from the event I recommend killing 3 waves and then going next pack. Killing more than that especially if BSR is active is a waste of time. Killing less than that means that after 3 loops you're dealing with waves without a green buff, it isn't a big waste of time if it's 1-2 waves but when half of your waves is tanky then that loses you trash/h.
I also recommend stacking as much AP as you can, even a silly 7ap buff from sycraia is a 3.3% dmg increase, which can impact your trash/h a lot.

In order to minmax a bit more I recommend using nesser gloves for 5ap, melee ap enhancers for 3ap, sycraia buff for 7ap, and quite possibly 2 grunil pieces for another 5ap. The last one might get you killed though. Having a splendid alch stone can also help a lot, but most people don't have one and neither do I.

Overall I think that nova is very simple and easy to play in this spot. APM is the only difficulty, all aoe she has fits the packs well, good movement to minimize the downtime, great dps if you happen to kill them in 8s. She's also getting buffed next patch and will see on average ~8.8% more dmg. To get that much dmg from gear I'd need 19ap without BSR and 21ap with BSR. I don't think the changes will go through though, but we will see. Surely PA must realize that it's too much buffs at some point, right.


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