Charlie Charlie Pencil Game Got Real |A Horror Short Movie

Описание к видео Charlie Charlie Pencil Game Got Real |A Horror Short Movie

#horrormovie #shortmovie #wildtwins #horror #charliecharliegotreal

hello guys this is wildtwins gaurav saurav and we are back with one more horror short movie name as charlie charlie challenge got real .a film is bassed on ture story so this is much intresting story that is why you need to watch and share it with your friends and family .

so hope you like this movie and subscribe our youtube channel .

Thanks For Watching

Written,Directed & Edited By _wildtwins Gaurav & Saurav Khare

Produced by - Gaurav & Saurav Khare

Cinematography by - Gaurav & Saurav Khare

Cast : Gaurav Khare , Saurav Khare

Sound Effects By : Gaurav & Saurav Khare

VFX and Colorist : Gaurav & Saurav Khare

Makeup By : Gaurav khare & Saurav khare

Wildtwins Twins Entertainment

for collebratinon draft massege us on instagram or contact us on this no (8080721030) .


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