Recalhorn Arcade

Описание к видео Recalhorn Arcade

Recalhorn puts you in the shoes of a boy with a horn, he travels through the World of Forest being attacked by animals, birds and insects. The horn acts as a weapon, shooting out a little musical note to incapacitate enemies when blown.

Not every animal is hostile, though: Three animals have been locked in cages, and when rescued, they show their gratitude by offering themselves up as summonable unit, each with their own abilities.

The monkey is the first animal you meet, and its special abilities are very high jumps, and the ability to cling onto platforms and ropes.
Next is the seal, who can swim and attacks by sliding across the ground on its belly, and the lion has no special movement abilities like the other two, but is invincible during its attack animation.

The game is played with three buttons, A is the attack, B is for jumping and C is for summon the three animals, you need gold coins to do it, every animal has thier own unique coin.

The boy is able to take no less than 5 hits and it has 2 lives, if you lose them all you can continue and restart from the last checkpoint (flowers in this games). You can find little or big heart in stages to restore the hit counter.

Also, scattered around the stages are fruits, their sole purpose is to give you points, bigger they are, bigger are the points.

The game has 4 colorful and varied stages subdivide in 3 rounds, with an excellent sprite work by Taito, every single one them is a joy to look. Every world has an awesome looking boss, but most of them are killed by just jumping on thier head.

After the you defeat the final boss, the game ends and unfinished credits are shown. Then you put your name in a buggy leaderboard.

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