Pardubice 2019 - My Fights from Longsword Open

Описание к видео Pardubice 2019 - My Fights from Longsword Open


This is the "raw" footage from the Pardubický meč 2018 tournament I attended on November 30th in Pardubice, Czech republic. There were 63 people competing.

The rules are rather simple:
- All valid hits award one point
- In case of a double hit both fencers are awarded one point each
- there is no afterblow, most afterblows are doubles
- The fights in pools are fought to 5 points, the fights in eliminations to 7 points

Some remarks
- the tournament was run from 9am (sword and buckler) to 8pm (finals of LS Open)
- not every exchange resulted in score, I cut out the judges rulling to show just the exchanges
- opponents vary in their skill; winning over someone doesn't mean they are bad or weak, it just happens, to everyone
- everyone does mistakes, it's the very essence of our HEMA path to learn and get better
- everyone has their style and video has its limits. Psychology, mood, stress etc. are important factors in every tournament
- visit my Facebook page:

00:09 - pools, vs Gyorgyi Czifra
01:25 - pools, vs Tomas Kedro
02:19 - pools, vs Peter Naake
03:20 - pools, vs Andrej Filip
04:33 - pools, vs Antonin Zajicek
06:02 - pools, vs Jan Žegklitz
07:01 - elims 32, vs Nikolas Sabo
08:13 - elims 16, vs Pavel Silhanek
09:33 - elims 8, vs Pavel Dostál
11:50 - semifinals, vs Lubomír Pečiva
13:13 - finals, vs Zdeněk Brýdl


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