Shoulders & Back Workout with Resistance Bands (36 Mins) - Build a Combo Workout

Описание к видео Shoulders & Back Workout with Resistance Bands (36 Mins) - Build a Combo Workout

This upper body Build a Combo class will focus on shoulders and back. We'll start with a quick talk about how these two muscle groups work together as one system.

Watch a quick preview of class here:

—Light resistance band (can be a long band or a loop - I'm switching between the two)

In this class, we start with a guided warm up, focusing on upper body mobility. We then move onto our build-a-combo-strength work. In each of the three sequences, you'll gradually build a combination of movements over a period of 90 seconds - 2:15. You then rest for 30 seconds before repeating.

Here's a general breakdown of each combo:
—(15 sec) Movement A
—(30 sec) Movement A + B
—(30 sec) Movement A + B + C
—(15 sec) Movement C

Between combos, you get about a minute to recover, but pause the video and take more time if needed. Always listen to your body, modifying or stopping as needed.

We finish class with a guided cool down and stretch.

03:13 Warm Up & Mobility

08:22 Build a Combo Workout

Combo 1
Rev Fly
Overhead Raise
Just Pulldown

Combo 2
Bent Raise
Bent Rotation
Lateral Extension
Just Extension

Combo 3
Scapula Retraction
Narrow Row
Bent Rotation
Wide Row
Just Wide Row

36:14 Cool Down & Stretch

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