பாய்ஸ் ஹாஸ்டலில் மாட்டிக்கொல்லும் பெண் | Adi Kapyare Kootamani | 2015 മലയാളം Movie | Tamil Reaction

Описание к видео பாய்ஸ் ஹாஸ்டலில் மாட்டிக்கொல்லும் பெண் | Adi Kapyare Kootamani | 2015 മലയാളം Movie | Tamil Reaction

#adikapyarekootamani #malayalammovie #moviereaction

The movie starts with the introduction of Father Alfred Kattuvilayil who considers himself to be a very strict warden of a college boys hostel. His assistant Shaanthappan always tries to show him the mischief of the students but always fails. Adhishta Lakshmi fights with her father over her boyfriend and on the next day meets Bhanuprasad in the canteen of his college. Bhanu has lost his gold chain by lending it for his friend Harris. As he wanted money, Lakshmi offers the amount of rupees 20,000 for taking her to his hostel for some unknown reason on that night.

That night Bhanu smuggles Lakshmi into the hostel, but by the time he tries to get her out, the way out was blocked. That night both stay in Bhanu's room. Not fully trusting Bhanu, Lakshmi ties Bhanu to a table and sets alarm on his phone for 3 AM. But both sleep off as it is like a lullaby song and wake up only by eight, when Bhanu's friend Koshy and Bruno knocks his door. Bhanu skips college and tries to get her out. But the escape route was blocked by Father and Shanthappan. He tries to get her out through the Main entrance but to his horror, the college was closed for strike as her father had beaten an auto rickshaw driver because he had dropped her in front of the hostel thinking that she escaped with his help. So the students came back to the hostel.

Intro 00:00 - 03:20
Movie Reaction 03:20 - 01:19:51
Discussion 01:19:51 - 01:26:04


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