LIWACO / Electronic handheld / Game SPACE SHOOT

Описание к видео LIWACO / Electronic handheld / Game SPACE SHOOT

This time I want to show you SPACE SHOOT from LIWACO.
This LCD electronic game was produced in the 1980s.
It was named: SPACE SHOO. It was produced in JAPAN

I like Liwaco's games. They are mostly nice and small LCD handhelds.
I still have to insert the batteries. Unfortunately, I have to open the whole game for that. It would have been better to open a battery cover. But even with many casio you have to open the whole game to be able to insert the batteries.
The name of the game is Space Shoot
What is the goal of the game? As the name suggests. You have to shoot up the upcoming spaceships here. That's all.
At the beginning, the game is interesting. But it's too easy for me. The game could have been made even more difficult.
Nevertheless, I can recommend the game, especially for collectors. The price is not yet exaggerated for such an age game. Unfortunately, the prices are driven up by dealers. Normal collectors cannot keep up here. These games are sold expensive by the dealers on Ebay. Unfortunately, the prices on the Retro Games market are driven high.


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