CarX Street 1.7.0 Halloween Event Battle Pass Free Car Unlocked 🔥

Описание к видео CarX Street 1.7.0 Halloween Event Battle Pass Free Car Unlocked 🔥

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CarX Street has released a new battle pass with some new quests and prizes on the occasion of halloween.
You get a free car after you complete the quest task.The free car that you get is FERRARI HSX. I really liked this car. I am glad that this time the devs have given us a car worth having.The previous battle pass was good but the halloween event is super good 🔥.

I hope you would like the video and if you do , don't forget to subscribe to my channel to support me ❤️

Time stamps:
0:00 Intro/Battle Pass completed
0:23 Car cinematics
0:50 Engine sound
1:10 Free Roam
1:40 Free body parts

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Device: IQOO Z6 PRO 8/128 GB

New update link
Android :

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#carxstreet #carxstreetgameplay #carxstreetmobile #carxstreetios #carxstreetandroid #bmw #HSX
#ford #fordgt #ferrari #halloween #piñata #diademuertos #porsche

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