Max water detector Lora 750 field test

Описание к видео Max water detector Lora 750 field test

Max Detect USA

Max Detection Inc. USA based company, Industry leader in Research and Development of Groundwater
Exploration Equipment’s has developed integrated groundwater survey equipment through direct and
indirect studies.

Max Detection Inc. USA based company, Industry leader in Research and Development of Groundwater
Exploration Equipment’s has developed integrated groundwater survey equipment through direct and
indirect studies. The geophysical method of investigation is very important in avoiding Failure well
drilling and to avoid Excess investments and time. In the study of physical properties of the Hosting
Rocks and its dense layers to understand the porous medium gives the best success in prospection of an
Aquifer zone.

Max Detection Inc. developed its first Precision Magnetometer Survey equipment for magnetic mapping
and mineral exploration in 2006, On demand for Groundwater detectors and the depletion of
groundwater table which resulted in a lot of failures globally, The Research and development of the
integrated groundwater Detector Max-MT, which solved the complexity in profiling and estimating the
subsurface factors is now available globally

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Siddhani Water Detectors organization in leading distributors of Scientific equipment’s for groundwater survey, fault detection, metal detection, water softener’s, well scanning equipments.Heading our operations in India we have collaboration with more than 17 research companies and 3 development companies worldwide.

Siddhani Water Detectors are the leading distributors of groundwater exploration equipment for use in the agriculture, domestic and commercial borehole site selection industry. Our unique inline sensors and control packs offer flexible integration with software-based mapping systems.

Siddhani Water Detectors is devoted to developing cutting-edge technology and instrumentation with robustness for wide ranges, lower detection limits, higher accuracies, and easier operations across domestic, municipal, industrial, and environmental groundwater agencies.


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