Darwin Defying Mosquitoes. Living Fossils. Creation Evidence. Biblicaltours.

Описание к видео Darwin Defying Mosquitoes. Living Fossils. Creation Evidence. Biblicaltours.

Mosquitoes are known as living fossils, they are found trapped in amber alongside dinosaurs and are easily recognisable. This video shows the incredible complexity of this creature. Mosquitoes use a receptor to detect carbon dioxide being exhaled by its prey and skin odour. They have an extraordinary blood extraction system, comprising six needles and the use of analgesics and anticoagulants. They even eject the water from the blood taken into their abdomen, to concentrate the strength of their feast. They lay rafts of eggs which hatch in water and undergo complete metamorphosis, egg, pupa, larva and adult. The full lifecycle takes about a month. All of the information needed to create this incredibly complex creature is stored within the genome of a 1mm size egg, the layers upon layers of design defy Darwin’s theory of evolution!


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