Yuletide - Sonne la Marche de l'Hiver

Описание к видео Yuletide - Sonne la Marche de l'Hiver

Band: Yuletide
Track: Sonne la Marche de l'Hiver
Album: Sonne la Marche de l'Hiver
Upcoming: 21 june 2024
Country: Burgundy, France
Label: Hypogea Invictus & Yuletide

Available in CD Ltd:

and Yuletide FB's page:

Yuletide is:

Omosceles - Bass/guitar
Thamuz - Drums
Antrum Mortis - Guitares mix and mastering
L'Empereur - Vocals
Lord Moloch - Vocals

More info will be added.
Stay Tunes!

Hypogea Invictus

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