Authentic Movement Session

Описание к видео Authentic Movement Session

Authentic movement session with Laurienne Singer and student Zoe Das Audio conversation was recorded while viewing playback of the 3-part authentic movement session:
1) relaxation and warmup
2) movement in the presence of a witness
3) discussion about what was experienced by both the mover and the witness

AUTHENTIC MOVEMENT is a Jungian-influenced, improvisational dance practice and one of several modalities that I employ in order to cultivate more awareness of my "inner" environment - where thoughts cease and feelings arise. Like most people in the U.S., I am usually looking at, reaching for, and focusing on things outside myself. I see this obsession with the outer world as a distraction tactic - a coping mechanism that allows us to avoid uncomfortable feelings, but to our own detriment…like Jung says of the unconscious, if we expend large amounts of subconscious energy repressing our shadow, then we can never access our full potential. Authentic movement allows me to be present with what is going on inside me, be it joy or pain, so I can flow into a healthier, more liberated space.

Christopher Lockett & Scott Inbody on camera, Zoe Das edit
Special thanks to Karim Ghahwagi & Blue Velvet (Cora Ripatti & Jed Smith)


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